Celestial Healing Room

April Ocampo Williams is an energy healer & teacher, oracle card reader, meditation guide, intuitive crystal healer, and bliss coach, dedicated to women on their healing journey. She offers guidance, empowerment and healing support to help her soul sisters connect with their inner power and live in alignment with their soul's purpose. She began her journey as a certified healer in 2016 and continues to learn, grow and heal,to better serve her community.

Her gentle and powerful healing sessions provide a safe and loving space for healing and transformation using a combination of Holy Fire®️ Karuna®️ World Peace Reiki, Holy Fire ®️ Experiences (guided meditations) Integrated Energy Therapy®️ (angelic healing), and may include intuitive crystal healing and oracle cards. April's provides clarity, insights and healing through her oracle card journeys and readings. Her readings include angelic connections and messages, unicorn journeys, light activations, mudra meditations and messages from over 30 decks.

As a Bliss coach, April is passionate about guiding women to embrace their true essence and step into their fullest potential, and finding their Bliss.
Blocks - identify and release
Limiting Beliefs -identify and release
Intentions - clarify and set
Soul's purpose - identify and clarify
Self Truth (authentic self) - realize & align
April is commited to bringing like minded beings together to foster soul friendships/relationships. She creates sacred spaces for this thru her group meditation classes, certification classes, and empowerment workshops interactive via Zoom and in person. She also hosts a free facebook group (Celestial Healing Circle) where she often provides free card pulls, self care reminders and various challenges.

Last year April began creating Moon Flower journals for those on a journey of mindfulness, self discovery and healing. Her journals are available at L.O.V.E Locally Owned Vendor Emporium in Winnipeg.
Certification Workshops offered: Usui/HF Level I&II Reiki, Holy Fire III ®️ World Peace Masters, Holy Fire®️ III Karuna®️ World Peace Masters, Basic IET®️, Intermediate IET®️, Advance IET®️, IET®️ for pets, IET®️ for Kids, IET®️ Healing Angels, IET®️ Steps & Higher Steps to Transformation.